Our neighbors are on a streak lately. We keep noticing lots of cars at their home, but can't locate the invitation in our mailbox. The first time, I assumed it was an oversight. The second time, I convinced myself it was a family only party. But this last weekend, my boys took notice.
"Mom! Look! Tom and Mary are having a party. AGAIN! And they forgot to invite us!" said Ray.
"Yea, we are fun people. They must not know it," agreed Rob.
"Maybe we should tell them," continued Ray.
"Maybe they think you are a party pooper Mom. Do they even know what a party pooper is?" asked Rob.
"You are NOT a party pooper Mom. You are like the opposite of a party pooper," declared Ray.
"Yea, you are the oppostie of a party pooper. You are a fun person. We are a fun family!" exclaimed Rob.
Could someone please send the FYI to our neighbors now?!?! ;) But I guess I'll forgive them for not inviting me the family bridal shower after all...