Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What to write about???

I haven't been as diligent in writing this summer as I had been.  Often times, I think I should write a post but can't think of anything note worthy to write about.  It's just been a typical plain Jane, ho-hum kind of day.  However, when I pause to think about it, even out typical days are rather amusing around the Wx house.  Take today for instance.  

Our day began with Robby insisting on watching presidential videos on YouTube.  The child is obsessed lately with presidents.  Good ol' George and of course Log remain his favorites.  Although, he is also rather fond of Garfield too.  And he is still greatly perplexed as to why Lafayette was never president; Rob is certain he would have been a great one. 

Time to get dressed.  Rob uses his powers of persuasion to get dressed as George may have.  Huh???  How exactly is he going to pull that one off?  He comes down in jeans, a white undershirt, and informs me that he will be wearing his jean jacket on top.  

"Don't you think that it's a little warm for long pants and a jacket?" I ask.

"George always wears pants and a jacket Mom," is Rob's response.


Next point of insistence: ponytail.  Rob is quite adamant that he needs a pony at the base of his neck to complete his replication of George Washington.  The problem is that Rob's hair is a bit on the short side in that location.  I do my best, but it's not good enough.  After several attempts, I secure a rubber band at the base of his neck, but the problem now is that he can't see it.  Angling mirrors is to no avail, so we abandon that plan on move on to plan B.  A pony on the side of his head.  


I manage to shoo the boys outside on the beautiful sunshiny day.  Where do they land?  In the tent.  They haul arm full after arm full of stuffed animals and plastic weaponry out to the tent for their army in case of battle.  


When I step into the tent to check on them, it's blistering hot in there.  Amidst the scorching heat, I find Ray curled up on the floor of the tent.  Can't say I blame him, but what on earth is he doing under not one, but 2 fleece blankets?!?!  This is the same child who had to come inside from the deck during lunch because it was too hot outside.


"Time to come back inside guys.  It's rest time,"  I tell them.

"No!  We'll just sleep out here."

"I don't think so.  It's waaaaay to hot and you need to come in for a bit."

"No!  You're not nice!  You're not my friend!" is Rob's rebuttal.  

"Oh well.  I have other friends, I don't need to be your friend.  I need to be your mom and sometimes that means telling you to do things you don't want to.  Come on.  Let's go now."

Guess who won THAT battle?!

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