Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Stork

"Where do babies come from?" is a question that every parent must face at some point and time.  We start our children off with some real basic information on that matter.  At this time, Robby knows that Daddies have special seeds that they put in Mommies and God can help that grow into a baby.  He also know that the babies grow in Mommies' tummies until they are big enough to come out, at which time a doctor helps baby come into the world.  A simplistic, but fairly honest version in my opinion.

So when Robby learned about the idea of storks from Dumbo, he was a little confused.  I explained to him that was an old, silly story that people use to tell children about where babies come from.

"Oh.  That's good, cause one time, at Grandma's, I saw a stork.  It was a really big bird, and I was afraid it was going to try to take me," Robby confessed very relieved.

"Why were you afraid it would take you?" I inquired trying to hide my amusement both at his genuine concern and belief that he had seen a stork at Grandma's.

"I thought maybe it was going to take me to a new mom and I didn't want a new mom."

Aw, I love my Robby Roo.  I don't want the stork to take him to a new mom either.

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