Do you ever look over your shoulder to see if there is a camera recording the whims of your family? Sometimes I am quite certain that some producer, somewhere out there is directing the absurdity that goes on in my home. This morning, I sincerely questioned if I was living life in a sitcom.
Sam absolutely, positively, no way in this world was getting dressed today. He was adamant that he was wearing pajamas to kindergarten today. Often, this isn't a battle I won't fight. Whatever, wear your pajamas. But when I looked at this choice of pajamas, I knew we needed to find some middle ground. His white pj pants with construction trucks were too thin and too small to be seen in public. His blue fleece snowman print top fit better, but wasn't exactly coordinating with the bottoms and screamed "This kid's mom let's him wear pajamas! TO SCHOOL!"
So we compromised. I agreed he could wear pajamas, but agreed to put on a clean set. Mom, take #1. A pair of black fleece pants and a tshirt. "Mom, those are not even pajamas! I am NOT wearing that to school."
Mom, take #2, a honest to goodness pair of pajamas in the form of a pair of blue wind pant type pants with a spiderman longsleeve shirt. "Mom, you know I don't like spiderman." Well, no I didn't know, but thanks for the update.
Mom, take #3, 4, 5 pajama sets that have coordinating tops and bottoms. "Too small, too itchy, those are for babies."
Sam, take #1, footed monkey pajamas. "Sam, I really don't think footed pajamas are going to work well for school."
Sam, take #2 and 3, footed Christmas pj's. "Sam. No footed pajamas for school. Save it for pajama day."
Mom, take #6, pirate pajama set. "All those skulls might scare someone."
Mom, take #7, pajama set with the snow monster, aka Bumble, on them. "That's just what I was looking for!"
"Great. Get dressed already." By this time, I don't even care if they are a little snug and a lot short in length. He made it to school fully (okay, kind of) clothed. And I really appreciated that the helper in the carpool line laughed, shrugged and said, "At least you got him here!"
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