The beginning of this week marked the annual tradition of Father's day and of course it did not go unnoticed at the W-x household. Rob was anxious the night before to give his gift to Michael and Michael had to cover his mouth on more than one occasion to stop Rob from spilling the beans. We remedied the situation by promising Rob that he could give his gift to Michael first thing in the a.m.
As almost every parent of young children will concur, what you REALLY want for a holiday is the ability to sleep in, but Rob stuck to his end of the bargain making sure Michael had a bed full of boy by 7 a.m. will presents to open from all. Ray and Rob were both so proud to present Michael with the "plaided" shorts they had each picked out. I'm pretty sure Michael made a sly comment about wishing he had some a month or so back. Ray and Rob did not pick up on his sarcasm and now he has two pairs! Styling! I just told him to be thankful I had led them towards the more neutral colors and less bold patterns. He's also lucky Sam is still only 2 and so his gift was a polo, which of course coordinates with the stylish 'plaided' shorts so he has complete ensembles to wear. (My gift? I opted for a photo poster print of the boys, it's pretty cute if I do say so myself. It's the boys all wear different shoes of Michael's and captioned with 'We want to follow in our Daddy's footsteps, but he has some BIG shoes to fill!)
I then ushered the boys out so Michael could go back to sleep for a bit and that he did. By the time we started functioning and getting ready for church, we realized we were a bit behind schedule. Commenting that we were going to be late, Rob responded with "Oh no! Pastor's gonna be mad at us!"
I think it had less to with the wrath of the pastor and more to do with fact they were already 10-15 minutes late by the time we loaded everyone in and still had a 10 minute drive ahead of us that led us to opt for a stop at Donut Connection in leu of church. (Great example to set huh? I guess we're all entitled to an error here and there....)
The afternoon entailed a visit with Michael's family and some quiet time. We planned to finish out the evening with a nice dinner out with my mom and grandparents. That didn't go exactly as planned... To put it bluntly, by the end of the meal, I was being approached by others telling me "We remember these days, but really they do pass." We knew one family who has a daughter a year older than Ray. They mentioned that they've always wanted a little boy and I was ready to give them one. A 4 year old specifically.
I left the restaurant carrying two screaming and kicking children to the Yukon, Rob broke away. I sternly said, "Get in the truck now." A man was leaving his own vehicle popped his own tailgate and said, "Here you go. You heard your mom. Get in the trunk now." You have to love when a stranger can help you smile through the grim circumstances. Rob wasn't as sure.
When we got to the Yukon he informed me that he did in fact want to go with that new family. "Okay then, would you like carrying your lightsaber to their car?" He changed his mind real fast.
The drive home proved interesting as well. Rob decided to unbuckle himself and unlock his car door. He was pretty sure he was going to get out and go live with Nana. We pulled over, re-buckeled and relocked. The second time I was even smart enough to move the child lock switch up making it impossible for him to open the door from the inside. He continued unbuckling more times than I can count. It was a long drive home with us pulling over every 5 feet...
Happy Father's Day Michael! Happy Father's Day! At least we got you this nice story to remember forever right???
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