Saturday, June 11, 2011

Slipping and a Sliding

The weather earlier this week was, well HOT.  Welcome to Minnesota.  One day, you're wishing for some spring like weather as you zip up your fleece, and the next day, you're doing anything you can to cool off during a 105 degree heat index.  (By the way, I wore a fleece again yesterday.)

To keep the kiddos cool, I let them run through the sprinkler.  What child doesn't love streaking through a freezing cold spray of water?  (I know that sounded rhetorical, but Sam.)  After an afternoon of sprinkler fun, I thought it might be fun to getting an upgrade.  We went to Target and perused the aisles looking for some form of water entertainment while still maintaining my need for frugality.  When Ray spotted the tunnel of water slip and slide contraption on sale for $4.99, how could I resist?  I had fond childhood memories of slipping and sliding on cold wet plastic so why shouldn't they?

The next afternoon, the boys and I donned our swimwear, opened up the box, unfolded the tarp, staked it into place, stretched out the hose and connected it.  Ray raced over the spicket, eager to turn on the water and have a wet and wild time.  As the water began flowing through the hose and into the thin plastic tube on the slip and slide, my mom's voice echoed into my head.  "These things are always junk!"

And junk it was.  The plastic tubing burst open and instead of water streaming into the slip and slide and up over it in an arch, it gushed all around my feet in a sloppy mud puddle.

"Turn off the faucet Ray!"


"It's broken."

"What?!?!  We JUST got it!  How can it be broken already?"

"I don't know hun.  I guess it just isn't very well made."

Ray started stomping and pouting and looked rather pitiful.  I looked at the things lying around our yard and decided we might as well still have some fun.

"It's alright bud. We still have the plastic spread out and we still have a hose.  I'll spray the tarp and you boys can still slip and slide."

I did not get the response I imagined.  Instead, I got continued stomping, pouting and carrying on.

"Ray, what's wrong?  I said we can still make it work."

"It's just that I wanted to use it properly.  Is that really too much to ask?"

"I would rather use it properly too, but it's broken, so that's not an option at this point."

"I mean, we spend good money on something.  It was a lot of money Mom, and then it just goes and breaks like that?  It just ins't right!"

I inwardly smirk but outwardly show sympathy and agree, "Yes, Ray, I understand, but it really wasn't that much money for this and we can try and exchange it later, but since it's already out, we might as well try it and see if you even like it."

"But we CAN'T use it THAT way.  I am suppose to slide through a 'tunnel of water.'  That's what it said on the box."

I think but don't say, "Ray, your aspergers is showing."  Instead, I glance around the yard, spot the sprinkler and suggest we hook it up next to the slip and slide and we can still have a 'tunnel of water' to slide through.

Ray's face lights up at this suggestion and we are set.  After some fun in that manner, Ray relocates the sprinkler to the swing set slide for some new fun.  I then relocate the tarp to the end of the slide for a longer pathway.

Ray and Rob have a blast with water and plastic without any further major incidences.  I smile to myself watching them from the swing and can't help but think, "THIS is the stuff fond childhood memories are made from."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we never had the slip 'n slide. I'm sure my parents didn't want the mud puddles in the yard...and since the neighbors had one, we could still have fun and they could have the mud puddles. I do recall some major injuries on other kids(watch out for random sticks in the yard) that always made me a little leery and never a huge fan of the slip 'n slide. Plus, sometimes it just hurt to flop onto your belly and slide along the yard. I would much rather run through the sprinkler....but then again, I am a girl.
