Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"Mom, why don't you ever hum-itate?"
"Hum-itate? Um, I'm not sure. What is hum-itate?"
"You know, where you close your eyes, hold your hands like this and say, hmmmmmm."
I look over my shoulder to the backseat and see this:
Displaying WP_20140715_002.jpg
"You should try it. Sometimes, when you're not looking, I float. But only when you're not looking. Ninjas float all the time when they hum-itate but I'm not a real ninja. (big pause) Yet."

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Getting into the pool  the other day, Sam requested a raft be pushed his way.

"Which one would you like?"

"I want the raft with the stable eyes," pointing to a long, grey raft with lots of little pockets in it.

"Stable eyes, huh? What do they do?"

"Yea, stable eyes.  They keep it from tipping over."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Going for a Ride

The other day we were driving past East Side Lake and a bus of tourists was unloading in the parking lot as someone was getting the Spam Belle ready to launch.  I gestured out the window and commented, "Looks like they are going to take the boat for a ride."

"I don't understand," was Sam's reply.

"There are lots of people in the parking lot and they are getting the boat ready to take it out on the lake for a ride." I said, not really understanding what he didn't understand.

"I see the people and I see the boat, but you don't  take a boat for a ride.  The people are going to ride on the boat."

"Oooooh!" I smiled and had a little laugh. "Yes, Sam, you're right.  They aren't taking the boat for a ride, they are riding ON it.  The boat is taking them for a ride."

"I don't understand why people say ride wrong all the time."

Laughing, I had to agree and give Sam  a point for grammar.  "I guess about the only way you can really take a boat for a ride is if you are pulling it on a trailer."

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dream Song

Per Sam's request.

There are no piranhas in Sam's dream, in Sam's dream.
There are no piranhas in Sam's dream, in Sam's dream.
There's a sun and moon and coconut cream pie,
but there are no piranhas in Sam's dream, in Sam's dream.

Thank the Lord, at ALL Times

This morning, while eating breakfast, Sam announced that he need go potty.  "But don't worry!  I already asked the Lord to help me!" he loudly said as he ran for the bathroom.

Upon returning, he told me he thanked the Lord for helping him.

I guess he's taking the at all times thing pretty seriously.