Monday, November 7, 2011

Tooth Fairy Trouble Adverted!

Confession:  I am a poor Tooth Fairy Assistant.  If she had anyone else to do the job, she'd fire me, for sure!

Saturday night I had the dollar in my pocket and the tooth was right there ready to be swapped out.  The problem?  Ray was still awake.  Sigh.

I went to my room, got in my jammies and snuggled into bed planning to creep back down the hall after Ray was out for the night.  I'm sure you all know what happened next.

So the next morning I thought I was soooo sneaky when I slipped the dollar out of my robe pocket and switched it for the tooth on Ray's night stand while he was reading and never even looked up.  I sat on the foot of his bed and we chit chatted a little bit.  I got around to slyly asking what the money on his nightstand was for.

Ray's eye lit up and he about gave himself whiplash turning his head to check.  "Wow!  How long has that been there? It wasn't there 10 minutes ago!  That Tooth Fairy is good!"

"I don't know.  I just saw it there..."  (I am a HORRIBLE liar!)

"You know Mom, I must have been her last stop for the night.  She must have been really busy!"

Hmmm, guess so.  (Or really blonde!)

When Ray recounted the story to his Aunt Nicole later that day, he had last checked the tooth and clock at 2 a.m. and at 2:15, the switch had been made.  Wow.  I'm even better than I thought!  Or the tooth fairy helped me out with a little memory charm.  Either way, childhood safely persevered for the time being.

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