It was on one of these such days that I was home with not 1, not 2, but 3 sick kiddos. I spent a large amount of time rocking a feverish baby, wiping a preschoolers nose and giving neb treatments to a 1st grader. When the 5 year old started in with, "Mom, Mama, Mommy," I took a deep breath and did my best to keep it together.
"Yes, dear?"
"I have something to tell you..."
"And what is that?"
He climbed up on the arm of the chair where I was rocking his baby brother, leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "I just wanted to tell you, (pause), you are beautiful!"
Sure, the words are sweet, but the squeeze around my neck and ear to ear smile that accompanied it made me believe it.
You see Moms, you ARE beautiful. Despite what the mirror, magazines and yourself might say, you ARE beautiful. And it isn't despite the shower, yoga pants and messy hair. No, in fact, these very things are part of what make you beautiful because they are part of who you are. You are Mom, Mama, Mommy. You are the rocker of feverish babies, the wiper of noses, the one who's kiss can heal and soothe better than any medicine. And to your child, your husband, the grandparents of your children, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
I try hard and pray often that God will help me to see and love others the way He does. Thank you God for using my sniffly 5 year old to help me see a glimpse of myself in that same way.
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