Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just a Word

Thii is 17 months and is a guy of very few words.  And with 3 big brothers at his beckon call, why wouldn't he be?  Pointing and "Uh!" elicit responses from all 3 big brothers quite well.
 "Mom, I think he's hungry."
"Mom, he needs you."
"Mom, he wants a cookie."
"Mom, he's thirsty."
"Mom, he looks tired."
"Mom, he wants his blanket."
and so forth.
And if that doesn't work, he does know the word "Mom" quite well.  I wonder how that happened???

So imagine my surprise this morning when he picked up a toy gun in the garage, pointed it directly at me and said "Die."  Yes, die.  Clear as day.

I guess Thii's been watching and listening to kids at daycare because I've taught my boys to NEVER aim guns at people and NEVER say things like "die."  Yup, that's gotta be it.  It couldn't have come from the brothers...

Before you start judging me, remember my last post?  The one where I started off with,
you know I have 4 boys right???   I tried keeping toy guns away from my kids.  They just made everything else into a gun.  I tried keeping them out of the house, the garage is a good compromise.  I tried teaching them not to aim at people, they wait till I'm not looking.  Sigh.  I tired.  I really, really did.

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