Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I Never Knew I'd Have to Say (Part 2)

We recently had an addition to our family.  Ewok (I know you are all shocked by the name!) is now 10 weeks old and a little tiny ball of fluff.  With this ball of fluff, there have been more things I find myself smirking as I have to say them to the boys...

BTW, This one's for you Nick J!

"Don't put the leash around your brother's neck."
"Don't put the leash around your neck!"
"Don't put the leash around your neck, tie it to the tree and try running around the tree!!!"
"Don't drag the puppy by the leash."
"Don't pick the puppy up by the leash."
"Don't pick the puppy up by her neck."
"Don't carry the puppy upside down."
"Set the puppy down, don't let go till her feet are on the ground."  (Sam is rather good at releasing 2 feet above ground level.)
"If you don't like you nose bitten, don't put it next to the puppy's mouth."
"Don't chew on the puppy's toys."
"Don't put your brother in the dog kennel."
"Don't LOCK your brother in the dog kennel."
"NO BOYS in the dog kennels!"
"The puppy should not take a bath with you."
"Puppies do not take baths in the washing machine."
"Get the dog out of the washing machine, NOW!"
"I think the poor puppy needs a nap."  (and so do I!)


  1. The dog was in the washing machine???!!! I hope it wasn't mid-cycle!

  2. It's a front load, and THANKFULLY he has yet to figure out how to turn it on...
